
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Nian Gao 年糕

Another CNY post, 年年高, Wishing you all a prosperous CNY!!!

Recipe from: here 
Another great recipe from Florence.

300g glutinous rice flour
75g ungluten wheat starch (tang mien fun)
250g black/brown sugar
400ml water
4 tbsp coconut milk
1.5 tsp ginger juice (strained)

1. Boil sugar with water till sugar dissolved. Strain and leave to cool. Stir in coconut milk and ginger juice.
2. Pour sugar solution into sieved glutinous rice flour and wheat starch. Use a pair of chopsticks to stir the mixture till well blended. Strain mixture so that it will be smoother.
3. Pour nian gao mixture into a greased pan, cover it with aluminum foil and steam for about 45 - 60 minutes.
4. Stick a red date in the middle of the cake immediately after it is cooked.

You can use 250ml coconut milk and 250ml water to get a more fragrant nian gao.

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