Monday, February 22, 2016

Salted Carmel Macarons

Recipe from: Here
Baked at 320 degrees, the recipe uses C in degrees.
 Salted Carmel Macarons are the best things that you'll ever taste, sweet and salty at the same time, give it a try.  You'll be totally addicted to them.  

  • 200gm Almond Meal
  • 200gm Pure Icing Sugar
  • 65gm Day old Eggs Whites
  • 65gm Fresh Egg Whites
  • 160gm Caster Sugar
  • 50ml Water
  • Food Colouring
  • --Caramel Buttercream--
  • 200gm Caster Sugar
  • 140gm Thicken Cream
  • 6gm Seasalt
  • 200gm Unsalted Butter

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.
1. Combine the almond meal and icing sugar together in a food processor and blend until well combined
2.Sift the almond meal mixture to ensure a smooth-ish shell
3.Beat the old egg whites until soft peaks form
4. Meanwhile, put the sugar and water on the stove over medium to high heat, stir until it reaches 118 degrees (if you don’t have a candy thermometer- wait until the syrup is at a rolling boil,  with no discolouration, approx 2 min post onset of boiling)
5. Slowly pour the sugar syrup in a thin stream down the side of the bowl into the egg whites while mixing on high speed. Beat until it forms firm peaks and the meringue has a glossy shine
6. Add the food colouring. Try not to add more than 5 drops as it will cause problems with the mixture
7. Add fresh egg whites to the almond meal mixture with 1/3 of the meringue and mix until well combined (this is hard work!)
8. Once combined add the remainder of the meringue and gently fold together. The final mixture should take a couple of seconds to slide off a spatula.
9. Place the mixture into a piping bag and pipe 3-4cm rounds onto trays lined with baking paper – a template is a great way to ensure a similar size and so they line up beautifully when paired together
 10. Tap the tray on the bench a few times to remove any air bubbles (no need to be gentle). If the tip of piping mark (nipple) doesn’t flatten, then the mixture is too thick
11. Once a dry skin is formed (30-60 mins) put macarons in the oven, turn the temperature down to 130 degrees and cook for 16-18 mins. The macaron should have a hard shell.
12. Leave to stand on the tray until cool

For the Filling:

13. Place the sugar on medium to high heat and cook until it becomes meduim caramel in colour (continious stiring)
14. Add warm cream to the sugar (place the cream in the microwave for 30 secs to warm)
15. This will foam instantly, stir continuously until well combined. Add the salt and mix well
16. Allow to cool to 45 degrees
17. Ensure butter is cut into small cubes. Slowly add butter to the caramel mixture mixing well between each addition
18. Once combined (and cooled) beat until pale.

Putting Together:
19. Pipe immediately with a generous amount in the centre and gently sandwich together.
20. Allow to cool (in the fridge) for 2 hours

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